Your In-House content Team at half the price, Better quality, and three times the volume.

It's time to quit using mediocre videographers and video editors for all your content while having to pay them $4-$5K/mo with benefits and having to manage quality and expectations. With Motion Media, you pay half the price of a in-house content creator for higher quality, more volume, and less headache.

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From financial consultants to fitness coaches, legitimate entrepreneurs are tired of hiring marketing agencies that treat their clients like transactions, offer one-size-fits-all strategies, and charge without getting results.

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We are different. We only connect with clients who share our values; whose products and services stir excitement and enthusiasm in us. In this way, you can be sure that when we work together, we will be as invested in your success as you are.


How We Make Content Creation Easy:

1. We Interview You And Craft a Custom Content Plan

Whether you own a medical clinic, construction company, Ecommerce, whatever busines it is - we interview you on two things:

1) Your vision for your company's brand and what's are making revenue right now - so we can create more ad creative and organic content around that.

2) Your goals and long - term vision for your personal brand, so we can start creating content around you.

2. We Schedule One Recording Day Per Month

"Only 1 recording day?! How are we supposed to get everything done?!" Believe it or not, for every one of our clients, we only record once per month. We get it - you're busy. After working with hundreds of business owners, we've created a streamlined system of pre-planning every single piece of content from recording reels, to Facebook Ad creative, to testimonials, to trainig videos - everything gets planned out by our team beforehand. This means you only have to worry about content once per month.

3. We Come To You and Record

We've built a national infrastructure of high-quality videographers across the United States and Canada. No matter where you are - we come to you for the day and knock out all of the content you need. Whether it's recording organic social media content, Facebook Ad creative, customer/patient testimonials, internal training videos, podcasts, we will get it done.

4. We Edit, Post, and Track

After recording with you, our team of 11 (and increasing) takes care of all the editing, posting, and tracking results/metrics. We want you to focus on running and working ON your business as much as possible - not worrying about having to be responsible for content creation. That's why cover it all for you. From creating video topics, to shooting the content, to editing, to posting. Again, we are your in-house content team.

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organic social media content

A look at some of our current clients with links:

Dwell Differently

33K to 124K followers in 8 months

Dr. Alex Spinoso

Founder of Genesis Lifestyle Medicine | 8 Figure Entrepreneur

Empowered Electric

8-Figure Electric Company In Kansas City

Vaughn Kohler

Performance Coach and Co-Host of The MFCEO Project
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Facebook Ad Creative

Some of our current (and profitable) clients

Genesis Lifestyle Medicine

8-Figure Medical Clinic

The Paper & Plan Co

6-figures generated year to date at a 300% return on ad spend (ROAS)

EastPointe Highschool

Over $50K In Revenue Generated First Month

D-BAT Lake Mary

Hundreds of new members and key team members hired
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Some of our current (and profitable) clients

Dr. Alex Spinoso

Personal Website and Course Platform

Empowered Electric

Company and Portfolio Website Built

Virtus Ultimus

Consulting and Mastermind Group
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Services At a Glance

We are a full-service website design and digital marketing agency. Our services fall into three main categories:

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01. We help you clarify your message

Sometimes it is difficult to put your passion into words. If you can’t express what you offer, you’re not going to successfully market a product, promote a cause, spread a movement, or make an impact of any kind. We can help you articulate your vision, mission, and story in laser precise language; and assist you in creating compelling content that captures hearts and minds and converts visitors into customers, friends, and allies.

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02. We help you create your platform

The most frustrating thing in the world is having a great idea that you can’t execute, having something of value to offer that – for practical reasons – you simply can’t deliver. We specialize in the integration of multiple platforms. Let us handle the coding, development, app integration, and tricky back-end “tech” work so that you can sell a product, teach a course, and even host a virtual community. We will create your platform for you, so that people can fully invest in what you offer.

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03. We help you connect with your audience

Whether you’re selling a product or spreading a movement, you don’t want to be the world’s best-kept secret. It’s worthless to have a well-designed website that no one visits, or to offer a life-changing product or message that gets lost in the nether regions of the internet. Let us expertly leverage SEO strategies and social media ad campaigns to drive traffic straight to you. We can connect you with your kind of people, the audience that will resonate with your message and invest in what you offer.

Our Services

Our Skillsets

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Website and landing page design

Websites and landing pages to convert prospects into customers

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Personal brand websites
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Custom Shopify stores
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Website wireframing
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Brand story and value proposition development

We help turn your personality and ideas into a strong personal brand with deliverables

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Storybrand template followed
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 Brand creation interview
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Core value proposition development
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Training Video Creation

One of the keys to scaling your company is developing ab excellent training platform.

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Creating video scripts
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Flying out to your office/clinic and filming
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Editing + creating onlin platform
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Social media content ideation and creation 

We help you create VALUABLE content that helps people.

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Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts, and Tik Tok video creation
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Prompt creation
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Social media posting
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Our copywriters have written copy for 9-figure brands. We help you communicate what your customers need to hear.

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Website copywriting
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Landing page copywriting
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Social media advertising copywriting
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Email marketing design and integration

We use a proven email strategy to help you stay in constant touch with your audience.

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Automated email flow creation
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Email copywriting
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Email management
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Podcast ideation, development, and production

We take your podcast idea from an idea to a reality.

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Core topic/values creation
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Podcast audio and video production
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Podcast clips production
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Virtual community development 

We help you create a virtual community for you to forge deep relationships with your most loyal customers.

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Course platform creation
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Email marketing creation
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Social media marketing
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Course creation/development

We help you turn that priceless knowledge into a course that can impact others.

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Course content creation
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Course website and hosting development
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Course marketing
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About Us

We understand that you are passionate about sharing your brand with the world…

We understand that you are passionate about sharing your brand with the world…

…and frustrated that you can’t find a marketing agency as invested in your success as you are.

If you’re like us, when you develop a product or service…

…or develop a solution to a problem that really helps people and provides value to the world…

…you want everyone to know about it!

About Us  
Core Values

This drives everything we do

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Provide Value

This one core values drives everything we do - inside our company and personal lives: PROVIDE VALUE. Whenever we have an interaction with someone, whether its within or outside of business, it's our obligation to leave that person off better than we find them. It's our duty to figure out how we can be of value to that person. How we can make their lives easier, their business more money, whatever it is, we always PROVIDE VALUE.

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No Compromise

All of the greatest companies in the world have one thing in common: they NEVER compromise. Just because something is hard or difficult, doesn't mean it can't be done. When it comes to your social media content, email strategy, and website, we make sure to never compromise on any of them. We want to build you a system that has no holes in it, one that always makes sure that all bases are covered so that you can WIN.

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Go The Extra Mile

Having a strategy that just "checks all of the boxes" isn't enough. From helping clients put up signs around town on a Sunday to helping them move into a new home - we aren't just some random agency, we are your friends. No matter what you need, we'll help you with it or find someone else who can. Simply making a website, or sending out an email, or posting a video to social media isn't enough. That website, email, and video has to be excellent.

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Relational > Transactional

One of the main reasons we started Motion Media was because we were tired of how transactional the digital marketing space was. What if we cared more about building long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships instead of just making a quick buck? What if we only did no-obligation retainers? We believe in relationships over transactions. With every new client we get, we hope to be their friend and partner forever.


Hear what our amazing customers say

"Transformed the online presence of our construction business and positioned us to work with a much higher-end clientele"

 “Motion Media transformed the online presence of our construction business and positioned us to work with a much higher-end clientele. We’re really proud of our new website and cannot imagine the wording being better.  They clarified our message and really nailed what we’re about.”

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Wesley Davis (Asheville, NC)
Owner, The Twin Brother Corperation

"Really helped our real estate agency develop some social media content that distinguishes us from the crowd"

“Motion media has really helped our real estate agency develop some social media content that distinguishes us from the crowd. We feel like we have a competitive edge others don’t.

Sophie Moore - Agency X Webflow Template
Derek Richards (Manhattan, KS)
Content Marketing Lead at Instagram

"A team of great marketing experts"

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Dan Clark
Marketing Lead at Twitter

"The best marketing agency out there"

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John Carter
VP of Marketing at Google

"I was so pleased with how Motion Media helped me successfully sell my book and build my brand"

“I was so pleased with how Motion Media helped me successfully sell my book and build my brand that I decided to become a business partner with them!"

Sophie Moore - Agency X Webflow Template
Vaughn Kohler (Manhattan, Kansas)
Owner of VKC LLC

"Motion Media went the extra mile to make sure I was happy with every detail"

“Throughout the process of developing my personal brand, setting up my website, and launching my podcast, Motion Media went the extra mile to make sure I was happy with every detail – from the color and style of my brand to the sound quality of my podcast episodes.”

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Dr. Emily Marshall (Calgary, Alberta)
Owner of Marshall Chiropractic Clinic
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